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Herb Bean Delight

From V.I Prime Produce locally Grown

<p>Fresh , Great as a side or vegan main course , a pre-taste of summer.</p> Vegan!
Source: Ra's Sonrise Farm Cookbook
Servings: 4
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Herb Bomb

From GreenFamilyFarm

<p>Freeze herbs in olive oil (or any oil you cook with)<br /> An easy way to preserve your herbs, and have them ready to go to add a burst of flavor to any dish!</p>
Servings: 1
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Herb Bread (bread machine-assisted)

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>Anyone out there have a bread machine languishing away in the cupboard? Was that a 90s fad? Well, they are fabulous, let me tell you. We have had fresh bread for the past 8yrs since moving out to the farm; no store purchases. And it is really quite easy to do…_honestly, I don&#8217;t have a lot of spare time, let me tell you!_ I don&#8217;t use the baking feature of the machine, just the dough making aspect. Then I quick knead and shape and put in a standard loaf pan to rise (30-45min and bake 30min). So you DO have to be around the house to accomplish that last bit. <strong>But total actual work time is approx 10min.</strong></p>
Source: Long practice and several bread machine recipe books
Servings: 10" x 5" loaf
Ingredient keywords: dill, chive
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Herb Crusted Honey Bourbon Pear Pork Chops

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>Fresh herbs and pears combined with local meat and honey makes for a perfect pan-fried pork chop dinner! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: pork, seasoning, oil, oil, seasoning, rosemary, thyme, butter, pear, orange, honey, lemon, tter, rice, potatoes
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Herb Dip

From Greener Acres Farm

<p>Chilling this dip overnight makes it even more flavorful.</p>
Source: Martha Stewart Living, March 2008
Servings: 1/2 cup
Ingredient keywords: cream, buttermilk, chives, parsley, dill
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Herb Roasted Farm Fresh Chicken

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>This is a flavorful, moist, delicious way to enjoy your favorite local chicken breast, thighs, or leg quarters preferably bone in with skin. Dark meat and white meat have virtually the same amount of calories contrary to popular belief. However, dark meat is richer in vitamins and good stuff.</p>
Source: Jeremiah Womble
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: chicken, sage, garlic, basil, pepper, thyme, oregano
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Herb Spinach Bake

From CSA Farmers Market

<p>This is one of those casseroles you can assemble and refrigerate until you&#8217;re ready to cook it. It&#8217;s a good way to use up leftover rice or tired spinach. It&#8217;s easy to vary this recipe to your taste or what happens to be in the pantry.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Old Fashioned Herb Recipes ,Bear Wallow Books ,pg 7
Servings: 2 if main course. 4 or more if side dish
Ingredient keywords: eggs, cheese, onion, thyme
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Herb-crusted Tofu

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>A quick and satisfying presentation with tofu (gasp!).</p>
Servings: 2-3
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Herb-Roasted Tomatoes

From Conway Regional Farmers Market

<p>This is a fast, yummy recipe to make with the fresh tomatoes from the Farmers Market. Make this recipe as an appetizer for your summer parties or as a delicious side dish. Enjoy! <br /> Prep Time: 5 minutes<br /> Cook Time: 15 minutes</p> Vegetarian!
Source: Conway Regional Health System Culinary Wellness Team
Servings: 3 slices per tomatoe
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Herbal Lemonade

From CSA Farmers Market

<p>Lemonade with an herbal twist, for flavor excitement or nutritive/health-giving properties of the herbs.</p> Vegetarian!
Source: somewhere on the world wide web
Servings: 16
Ingredient keywords: honey, herbs
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